chandler jane

Chandler Briggs

Pronouns: he/him

Chandler grew up playing in the sand of sunny Southern California and now he plays in the rich soils of the Walla Walla Valley. 2025 marks his nineteenth season farming, thirteenth year working draft horses and forty-first year eating pizza. He loves weird beverages, surfing, punk music and mutual aid. He learned and continues to learn the art of draft power from the great teamsters and friends in the NW: John Erskine, Marvin Brisk, Emily Asmus and Betsey Wittick.

Theo Ciszewski

Pronouns: he/him

Hailing from the "other Washington", by way of the big apple on the right coast, Theo has finally warmed up to living in a state instead of a district- being that he enjoys his taxation with a chance of representation. Theo began to learn about working with draft horses from Walt Bernard and Kris Woolhouse, and is excited to be back in the Walla Walla Valley where he was first inspired to learn more about draft powered farming. He owes much of his farm experience and perspective to Jeff Falen and Elanor O'Brien of Persephone Farm, and is perennially inspired by their care. Drive 55 friends!

Bri Bell

Pronouns: they/them

Bri was hired last Spring as Farm Crew but quickly got recruited by the Food Hub crew thanks to their spectacular organization skills! And now, they have been promoted to Food Hub Co-Manager! If Bri is not listening to their audiobooks, you can expect to hear soul music, classical music, Studio Ghibli soundtracks, or 2000’s alternative rock being blasted from the cooler. 

Cali Burrito

Pronouns: she/her

This fluff nugget and her furry friends help with rodent control and employee stress relief. She was bottle-fed on the farm and loves her humans!

Most photos by the talented Ben Lindbloom.